The Winners Of The 2021 Nannen Prize
On June 1st, the winners of the 2021 Nannen Prize were honored during a livestream event. The award is presented by G+J’s “Stern” magazine for outstanding achievements in journalism. Famous authors and journalists appeared in the livestream to present the awards to the winners. The “Egon Erwin Kisch Prize” for Best Reportage went to Xifan Yang (“Die Zeit”).
This year’s winners of the Nannen Prize were honored during a festive livestream event on Tuesday evening. G+J’s “Stern” magazine presents the awards for outstanding achievements in journalism. The virtual awards presentation at was hosted by Michal Abdollahi together with “Stern” Editor-in-Chief Anna-Beeke Gretemeier. Representatives from the judging panels virtually handed the trophies over to the winners, who were connected to the studio live. Author Richard David Precht and Luise Strothmann (“taz”) presented the award for Best Reportage, the “Egon Erwin Kisch Prize”, to Xifan Yang for her reportage published in “Die Zeit” titled “Die Gesandte des Konfuzius”. The award in the “Story of the Year” category was presented by Dunja Hayali (ZDF) to Lars Dittrich, Melanie Gath and Mai-Thi Ngyuen-Kom for “Corona geht gerade erst los” (Mailab/funk).
Journalist and author Ulrich Wickert presented the award to Daniel Deckers in the “Republic” category for his article “Berichterstattung zum Thema sexueller Missbrauch durch Geistliche der Katholischen Kirche” (“Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”). Tania Röttger of “Correctiv” presented the award in the “Investigation” category to “Spiegel” journalists Roman Dobrokhotov, Matthias Gebauer, Christo Grozev, Roman Lehberger, Fidelius Schmid, Jörg Diehl and Christian Esch for their article “Das sind die Männer, die Nawalny töten sollten”. Last but not least, Christina Elmer (“Der Spiegel”) and Sammy Kahmis (Bayerischer Rundfunk) presented the Nannen Prize in the “Local” category to Stefan Proetel for his story “Die Geschäfte des Bundestagsabgeordneten Nikols Löbel” published in “Mannheimer Morgen”.
In the run-up to the awards presentation, it was announced that TV hosts Joko Winterscheidt, Klaas Heufer-Umlauf and author Sophie Passmann were the winners of the special award of the “Stern” chief editors in recognition of the educational commitment of the winners and their expanded understanding of journalism in their exposés “A Short Story of Moria” and “Männerwelten” on Pro Sieben. Thomas Schmitt, Arne Kreutzfeldt, Claudia Schölzel and Thomas Martiens of the production team of Florida TV, the production company of Joko and Klaas, were also honored.