News | RTL Group | Cologne, 09/20/2024

Stefan Raab Brings RTL+ Record New Customer Growth

The first episode of the show “Du gewinnst hier nicht die Million bei Stefan Raab” (You’re not going to win the million here on Stefan Raab) on Wednesday generated the highest number of new customers that the streaming service RTL+ has ever seen for an original format. The entertainer and RTL+ enjoyed huge interest on social media as well, and his song “Pa aufs Maul” immediately shot to number one in the German charts.

Stefan Raab is back on the show stage, and managed to set sensational records right from the start: The premiere of his brand-new entertainment-quiz-competition show “Du gewinnst hier nicht die Million bei Stefan Raab"” on Wednesday evening was the best new launch ever on RTL+ and, according to RTL Deutschland, caused the strongest subscription growth triggered by an original format.  The proportion of viewers who came into contact with RTL+ for the very first time on the occasion is also remarkable: Apparently, 73 percent of subscriptions were sold to new customers, with the remainder returning to RTL+ for Stefan Raab. The total number of streams is not yet known – RTL Deutschland reports that the data will be published by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Videoforschung (AGF) 14 days later.

“This is exactly what I expected: Stefan Raab is back and breaking all records on Germany's largest national streaming platform, RTL+,” says Inga Leschek, Chief Content Officer (CCO) of RTL Deutschland. “Stefan has shown yet again that he is an exceptional artist. Whether he's making his audience laugh with his new 'Meme-Pad', shooting from the hip musically with the Heavytones on 'Pa aufs Maul’ or  'Alles aus Liebe’  firing quiz questions at contestants or – alongside his buddy Elton – competing fiercely against candidates: this combination is unique. It feels – in the best sense – as if he had never been gone and as if he had always been part of the RTL family. We not only share Stefan's passion for winning, but also his uncompromising understanding of good entertainment, which all of Germany has missed, and we look forward to at least five more years together full of next-level successes for RTL Deutschland!”

'Pa aufs Maul' soars to #1 in the charts

In his spectacular boxing event on RTL last Saturday, entertainment legend Stefan Raab proved that one of Germany's greatest entertainers is set to make a comeback on the show stage. With a peak audience of almost eight million viewers and high market shares of  40.9 percent among 14- to 59-year-olds and 52.9 percent among 14- to 49-year-olds (preliminary weightings), Raab made an impressive statement about how much fans and viewers have been waiting for the comeback of their TV hero. His new hit “Pa aufs Maul” (roughly: “Kick your ass”) shot to the top of the charts straight away and is ranked #1 on iTunes, RTL+ and other music streaming services. On social media, too, Stefan Raab has taken off like a comet – with more than 465 million contacts on Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, Youtube and other services since Saturday evening‘s boxing match.