
Ad-hoc-release | Gütersloh, 02/23/2010

Results of the solicitation of offer to sell

Ad hoc Release according to § 15 WpHG

Bertelsmann AG announces the result of the Solicitation of Offers to Sell Profit Participation Certificates issued 2001 (Profit Participation Certificates 2001) and the increase of the Maximum Repurchase Amount

Bertelsmann AG has completed the Solicitation of Offers to Sell that was announced to the holders of the Profit Participation Certificates 2001 (ISIN DE0005229942, WKN 522994) on February 2, 2010. Profit Participation Certificates 2001 in an aggregate par value of EUR 214,295,210.00 have been validly offered for sale to Bertelsmann AG. Bertelsmann AG has increased the Maximum Repurchase Amount from EUR 150,000,000.00 to EUR 214,295,210.00 and has accepted all validly submitted offers.

For enquiries of investors:
Bertelsmann AG
Henrik Pahls
Corporate Finance
Tel. +49 (0) 52 41 – 80 23 42