
Ad-hoc-release | Gütersloh, 01/25/2010

Profit Participation Dividend for 2001 Certificate

Ad hoc Release according to § 15 WpHG

Dividends on Bertelsmann Profit Participation Certificate 2001

According to preliminary calculations for Fiscal Year 2009 Bertelsmann AG expects that dividends on its Profit Participation Certificate 2001 (ISIN DE0005229942) will be 15 percent of par value. For Fiscal Year 2008 dividends amounted to 15 percent of par value as well.

Dividends on Profit Participation Certificate 2001 are expected to be paid in May 2010.

Press inquiries:
Bertelsmann AG
Andreas Grafemeyer
Corporate Communications
Phone: +49 (0) 52 41 – 80 24 66

Investor inquiries:
Bertelsmann AG
Henrik Pahls
Corporate Finance
Phone: +49 (0) 52 41 – 80 23 42

Bertelsmann AG, Carl-Bertelsmann-Str. 270, 33311 Gütersloh
ISIN DE0005229942, Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt und Düsseldorf