Gruner + Jahr Receives ‘European Publishing Awards’
G+J media and services will be honored at this year’s “European Publishing Congress” in mid-June. The G+J titles “Capital”, “Chefkoch”, “Stern” and “Stern Crime” were able to outperform their competitors in various categories, while the G+J subsidiary Territory won one of the four main prizes and also scored in other categories.
In addition to, the German news channel NTV’s portal, which will be honored as “European Digital Publishing Platform of the Year” (BENET reported), media and services of G+J will be honored, as well. Four G+J titles were able to outperform their competition, while the G+J subsidiary Territory won one of the four main prizes and also scored in other categories.
Gruner + Jahr’s magazine “Capital” (“Economy” category), the “Chefkoch” Tiktok challenge “#selberkochen: Selbstgemacht schmeckt einfach besser!” (“Social Media Strategy” category), the magazine “Stern Crime” (“Business Model” category), and “Stern” (issue 5/20, “Cover One-Shot” category) won awards.
“Confirmation and motivation”
For its client BMW, Territory secured the main prize “European Content Creator of the Year”, which went to the Munich automotive manufacturer. Territory also won for BMW in the categories “Social Media” and “Content Strategy”. Here, the requirements included the tailor-made conception, production and optimum interconnection of the owned media content and channels as well as the creation and implementation of outstanding social media campaigns. For Porsche, Territory scored at the “European Publishing Award” with the “9:11” magazine in the “B2C Consumer Publishing – print & digital” corporate media category. Furthermore, the G+J agency was honored in the “CSR-related Publishing – print & digital” category for the “Recovery Society” initiative: with the self-developed analysis, Territory supplies the biggest pan-European study with theories and thought-provoking impulses about a society as well as brands and agencies during the pandemic. Sandra Harzer-Kux, Spokeswoman of Territory’s Board of Management, said: “The entire mobility sector is one of Territory’s key competences. Here, we repeatedly achieve outstanding creative performances that fascinate both consumers and the industry juries.”
The “European Publishing Awards” are organized by the renowned Oberauer Verlag (“Kress pro”, “PR Report” and “Medium Magazin”) and honor Europe’s best magzaines, newspapers and digital media. The awards will be presented on June 15, 2021 during the “European Publishing Congress” in an online event. The congress will be a purely digital event with leading media managers, editors-in-chief, digital experts and strategists from European media companies discussing the future of the communications industry.