Bertelsmann Hosts Europe Debate with George Soros, Herman Van Rompuy and Pierre Moscovici
- Lively exchanges of views and numerous guests expected at first public political discussion following EU Summit in Brussels on the Commission’s leadership
The future of Europe is the topic of a debate on Monday to which Bertelsmann and the Brussels Centre for Fine Arts (Bozar) expect the star investor and author George Soros, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, and former French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici. The occasion is the publication of George Soros’ book “Tragedy of the European Union: Disintegration or Revival?”. The discussion will be moderated by Gregor Peter Schmitz, EU correspondent for Der Spiegel in Brussels and co-author of the book, which is published in Germany as a Spiegel book by the Bertelsmann subsidiary DVA.
The event in Bozar’s Henry Le Boeuf Hall is open to the public. Bertelsmann expects more than a thousand guests, including a number of personalities from politics, business, the cultural scene and society. The panel session will be the first public political debate after the EU summit in Brussels on June 26-27, at which the heads of government plan to determine the candidate for the post of Commission President.
George Soros: The Tragedy of the European Union: Disintegration or Revival?
George Soros in discussion with Herman Van Rompuy and Pierre Moscovici,
moderated by Gregor Peter Schmitz (Der Spiegel)
Monday, June 30, 2014 at 17:45 (5:45 PM)
Henry Le Boeuf Hall, Centre for Fine Arts (Bozar)
Rue Ravenstein 23, 1000 Brussels
Phone: 00 32 – 2 – 507 82 00
Tickets: €6 (full price), €4 (discount rate)
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Bertelsmann is an international media company whose core divisions encompass television (RTL Group), book publishing (Penguin Random House), magazine publishing (Gruner + Jahr), services (Arvato), and printing (Be Printers) in some 50 countries. In 2013, the company’s businesses, with their more than 111,000 employees, generated revenues of €16.4 billion. Bertelsmann stands for a combination of creativity and entrepreneurship that empowers the creation of first-rate media, communications, and service offerings to inspire people around the world and to provide innovative solutions for customers.
Markus Harbaum
Head of Communications Content Team
Phone: +49 (0) 5241 80 2466