Dear readers,
For Bertelsmann, 2021 was a year of repeated record results, significant growth, and great progress in strategy implementation. Our 145,000 employees worldwide played a major role in this. I am very grateful for their outstanding commitment.
At Bertelsmann, we see ESG as an opportunity. We have paved the way for an ambitious Bertelsmann ESG Program (2021–2023) with eight ESG priorities: creative/journalistic independence & freedom of expression; content responsibility; fair working conditions; diversity, equity & inclusion; health & well-being; learning; responsibility in the supply chain; and climate change. With the Group-wide implementation of about 150 measures, we aim to meet the rising expectations of our stakeholders.
Bertelsmann will become climate neutral by 2030. Our climate strategy is in line with the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement and has been validated by the independent Science Based Targets initiative.
Thank you for your interest in our work. We welcome any suggestions or questions you may have at Send email .
Sincerely yours,
Thomas Rabe
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bertelsmann
PS: This report also serves as our annual Communication on Progress on the implementation of the UN Global Compact’s ten principles.