RTL Group | Cologne, 06/22/2023

TV tip: "Heute nicht"(Not Today) - A special look at life

Premiere of "Heute nicht" (f. l.): René Meistrell (Head of Bethel Children's and Youth Hospice), Jim Rakete, Berivan Is (Bercem's mother), Bercem, Daniel and Melanie Buschatz (Niklas' parents)

Subject: Society
Country: Germany
Category: Project

As part of the "Week of Diversity," RTL up and Vox up will show a documentary by star photographer Jim Rakete about the children's hospice in Bielefeld-Bethel tomorrow and the day after. The film accompanies a young girl suffering from muscular dystrophy. Frauke Ludowig will also talk to Jim Rakete about the documentary in an "RTL Nachtjournal Spezial" tonight.

Unbridled happiness in the moment, joy of life on every new day, even if it is uncertain how many more there may be - the children Bercem, Niklas and Meret are united by this positive view of the now. They are guests at the Bethel Children's and Youth Hospice. A place where they and their parents find help and relaxation in difficult moments and comfort and support when the unspeakable happens: the death of a child. The topic of life-shortening illnesses in children is a taboo subject. For most people, it triggers fear of contact. And it often leads to social isolation for the families affected, because those around them prefer to withdraw for fear of saying the wrong thing. "Heute nicht" by star photographer Jim Rakete is a film against this speechlessness. A hopeful film with a view at the value of life, every day anew. As part of RTL Germany's "Diversity Week," which this year from June 19th to 25th will focus on the theme of inclusion  in its extensive content offerings, "Heute nicht" will be shown as a premiere in Germany: tomorrow night, June 23rd, starting at 10:10 p.m. on RTL up and the day after tomorrow, June 24th, starting at 10:50 a.m. on Vox up. Tonight, the film will be the subject of "RTL direkt" at 10:15 p.m. and "RTL Nachtjournal" at midnight. Starting at 0:20 a.m., host Frauke Ludowig will also talk about the documentary with Jim Rakete in a "Nachtjournal Spezial. Starting June 24, "Heute nicht" will also be available for viewing on the streaming platform RTL+.

Originally intended as a photo exhibition

A children's hospice is a very sheltered and protective place. Photographer and filmmaker Jim Rakete won the trust of the families at Bethel Children's Hospice - he was allowed to enter exclusively, ask, look, record - with his film camera. For two intensive weeks in spring, he was on site every day. And he captured what it means not to give life more days, but to give days more life. "Jim Rakete has dared to take a look at a place that many close their eyes to out of fear," says Pastor Ulrich Pohl, Chairman of the Board of the von Bodelschwinghschen Stiftungen Bethel. "We are very grateful to him for this. Because it's not just that he looked, but how he looked that is crucial. He has created a film for which the viewer does not need any special courage, but which gives hope, sees the specialness of life and puts all of our everyday problems into perspective in the best sense."

"'Heute nicht' could well have become an exhibition of photographs, as originally intended," Jim Rakete explains. "But then it became clear already in the first interviews that no exhibition would replace the stories of those involved. The different perspectives of guests at the children's and youth hospice, their parents, therapists, doctors, caregivers and clergy. And the voices of those we have to guess, or learn from their behavior. The film, thus made with a small effort, may be a documentary in form. But now that everything seems finished, I have to admit to myself that it is a tribute to all those who, in this legendary place, give their best to make the best out of a limited life, and give a new meaning to the word hope. Each place shapes its story. Bethel is not a selfie. Every few steps you encounter finitude, problems, the unsolvable. And then there is a team that is tirelessly there in professional proximity. This film is dedicated to them."

Many years of support from Bertelsmann

"I am delighted that the film is being shown as part of 'Diversity Week,'" says Karin Schlautmann, Head of Bertelsmann Corporate Communications. "Last year, the 'Diversity Week' reached a large part of the German population. So we can be sure that many viewers will gain insights into Bethel Children's and Youth Hospice and perceive the positive message of the film. It's a message that Jim Rakete, who has been associated with Bertelsmann for many years, presents in a sensitive way." Every year since 2006, Bertelsmann has donated 25,000 euros  to the palliative care team "Der Weg nach Hause" and to the children's hospice run by the von Bodelschwinghschen Stiftungen Bethel. The donations support seriously ill children in the region.