Arvato Group | Gütersloh, 03/22/2023

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) At Bertelsmann (1): Arvato Systems

Subject: Society
Country: Germany
Category: Project

In a new series, we present how Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) is practiced and encouraged at Bertelsmann. The first part is about how Arvato Systems advances DEI and promotes gender diversity – among other things through its in-house women’s network, “herSystemS.”

For Bertelsmann, workforce diversity is a fundamental prerequisite for innovation and the sustainable success of the group. To ensure that all employees can develop their full potential and feel they belong, colleagues across all divisions are working to make Bertelsmann an even more representative, equitable and inclusive company. In a new series, we report on how Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) is supported at Bertelsmann. The first part highlights how Arvato Systems is advancing DEI and promoting gender diversity.

Our colleagues at Arvato Systems want to make diversity a tangible experience at their company and have launched numerous initiatives in recent years to realize this goal. They believe that only a diversity of perspectives and ideas will lead to more innovation and is ultimately the basis for Arvato Systems’ success. The activities focus on four diversity dimensions: “Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity,” “Physical & Mental Abilities,” “Nationality” and “Gender.

Gender diversity initiatives and the ‘herSystemS’ women’s network

Last year in particular, the focus was on promoting gender diversity and women in leadership positions. More than 300 female colleagues are now part of the in-house women’s network “herSystemS” and involved in implementing various formats. In addition to regular lunch meetings, colleagues have shared their knowledge on various topics in a total of twelve “community calls” under the heading “From colleagues for colleagues.” In addition, a new page on the Arvato Systems intranet and a landing page for applicants were developed to present the women’s network.

“‘herSystemS’ gives us a channel that promotes a free and unhindered sharing of ideas as well as relationship and network building, and which once again provided a lot of constructive input in connection with ‘Female Career Development’ last year,” says Jochen Fuchs, Chief Human Resources Officer & Group General Counsel at Arvato Systems. “I consider the launch of our first ‘Female Mentoring’ program and the ‘Female Career Coaching’ initiative, with which we actively support the achievement of our gender goals in the workforce and management team and on which we have received very positive feedback from participating female colleagues, to be particular highlights in 2022.” A total of twelve career coaching sessions were awarded to members of the network, and 24 female colleagues are currently participating in the “peer mentoring” program. At the end of the year, the “herSystemS” event on the topic of “personal branding,” followed by a panel discussion, provided another highlight.

Thanks to the support of colleagues from the women’s network, Arvato Systems was also able to participate in numerous “Female Recruiting” activities. The aim is to attract more women to the company and increase the proportion of female managers. And here, too, visibility and awareness are important strategies: As part of the social media campaign “#ArvatoSystemsWomenWednesday,” a female colleague was featured on Arvato Systems’ Linkedin channel every Wednesday in May and June 2022. The campaign highlighted the broad range of areas in which women work at Arvato Systems, and the diversity of their stories. In December, an in-house, globally oriented “Unconscious Bias Lockscreen” campaign was also launched to raise awareness of unconscious mindsets.

Gender diversity activities planned for 2023

This year, too, the focus will be on “Female Career Development,” including key notes around “Female Empowerment,” a “Female Mentoring Program 2.0,” career coaching offers, and a regular networking format for women in leadership positions. Alexandra Heine, Chief Financial Officer at Arvato Systems, will be involved in several of these formats. “I believe that a diversity of experiences, perspectives, and traits moves us forward as an organization,” she says. “So it is important to me that we share ideas beyond our own immediate environment, learn from each other, and support each other. That’s why I like to support ‘herSystemS’ in a variety of ways, for example its roundtable formats under the ‘Female Mentoring’ program. I look forward to further interactions.”

Beyond this, a “herSystemS” working group will take a look at which obstacles to career development and part-time work affect gender diversity. The aim is to uncover further development potential and devise approaches for action.

The many different initiatives are bearing fruit: Last year, Arvato Systems was named “ 2022 Role Model for Diversity” and industry winner by the F.A.Z. Institute for its commitment to diversity, and was again certified as a “Top Employer Germany” in 2023 - with a score of 98 percent on “Diversity.”